Tag Archives: Chapterhouse

Chapterhouse Kroxigor

Or, as Chapterhouse Studios calls them, a “Lizard-Ogre”…I’ve talked about Chapterhouse Studios before, and how they have really made their fame and fortune by making Games Workshop compatible models and accessories. After Games workshop Lost a major court case against this tiny studio, I mean really it’s only two guys, Chapterhouse, and many other studios that made compatible, or even downright replicas of, Games workshop products, began labeling them in a way that would tie them closer to the Games Workshop products that they were imitating.

On the one hand Games Workshop has the right and the duty to protect their intellectual property. On the other hand; they have been legal bullies for decades going after every small producer that made anything even remotely similar to their products. They even sent cease-and-desist letters to many internet fan-sites who were only promoting GW’s games and it appears their only crime was to make alternate army lists for those games. So many sites have vanished over the years for no reason because of those cease-and-desist letters and peoples unwillingness to fight them. Chapterhouse fought, and won about half of their suit. Games workshop has now changed the names of most of their product lines to something far more distinctive and less generic. The more distinctive a product name is, the easier it is to defend against infringement. They really should’ve done this a long time ago as it would’ve saved them a great deal of trouble, in my humble, non-legally binding, opinion.

Short story long; I bought a Chapterhouse resin-cast 28mm Lizardman compatible “Lizard-Ogre” to see what all the fuss was about. Wasn’t cheap, $18 with shipping for a single large mini means I won’t be shopping there very often. The model is a really clean cast though-


I was a bit worried at first about how the pieces were connected to the big resin tabs and I was concerned that they may be damaged in the removal. The tail popped right off though with no problems. The arms and club were also easy, I did have to use a little saw under the feet. Very little in the way of mold lines so clean up was a breeze. No base was included to mount the mini on so I’ll count that as a minor strike against the company. Perhaps I’ll sue them for the $.25 component that was left out. 😉 It glued together really easily, looks like he’s next up to bat –


Chapterhpouse Kroxigor3.jpg









I primed him black, then had a different thought; “Instead of dry-brushing him white what if I tried a layering approach that I’ve seen GW painters use?” So the next step was to paint him with a dark green all over, Waaagh Flesh, but only on the high areas and leave the recessed areas black. Then paint over the dark green with a medium green, Warboss Green, to get more depth of color –

Chapterhpouse Kroxigor4.jpg




Little brass on the club, little brown on the handle, lighter brown on the wristbands, white on the teeth and toe-nails, yellow in his eyes, red studs on his club, and finally a light green, Nurgling Green, for ridge and edge highlights-



That actually went together very quickly. I feel like he needs a little something more, not sure what yet, so I’ll set him aside while I work on other projects.